The Sipsmith Blog

Sipsmith Cygnus Cocktail Competition 2024

in Competitions May 31, 2024

Calling all budding bartenders and cocktail enthusiasts! Do you have a passion for mixology and a knack for creating exquisite cocktails?

Now is your chance to shine and showcase your talent in the Sipsmith Cygnus Cocktail Competition.

How to Enter

To participate, design your own unique cocktail featuring the exquisite Sipsmith London Dry Gin. Whether it’s a twist on a classic or a completely original concoction, we want to see your creativity in action.

The Rules:

Now we’re not usually one’s for following the rules (in fact, we challenged the rules to change the law and build the brand that we are today), but to make things fair in love and gin we’d like you to comply with the following:

  1. Must include at least 35 ml Sipsmith Gin (any of the Sipsmith Gin range can be used)
  2. Maximum 6 ingredients
  3. Homemade ingredients allowed and encouraged

Step-by-Step Entry Process:

  1. Create Your Cocktail: Develop a Martini inspired cocktail recipe that highlights the distinctive flavours of Sipsmith London Dry Gin. Experiment, innovate, and perfect your drink – why not take inspiration from one of its esteemed cousins the Tuxedo, Alaska or the Ford!
  2. Take a Photo: Capture a stunning photo of your cocktail creation. Presentation is key!
  3. Complete the Form: Fill out the entry form below with your details and your cocktail recipe.
  4. Upload Your Photo: Attach the photo of your cocktail to complete your entry.
  5. Repost on social media: We’re humble about most things, but our drinks? Far from it – and you shouldn’t be either. Post your creation on Instagram with the #CygnusCompetition2024 to complete your entry. (to be sure it catches our eye, why not tag our Swanderful Brand Ambassadors too on @liv_sipsmith and @sixty.twenty.twist

Entries must be received before midnight on 1.7.2024 for entry to be counted. Please post your drink between 22.05 and 01.07.

The Prize

The winner of the Sipsmith Cygnus Cocktail Competition will receive:

  • All-Expenses-Paid Trip to Berlin for BCB 2024: Experience the excitement of Bar Convent Berlin, one of the world’s leading trade shows for the bar and beverage industry.
  • Host Your Own Menu Takeover: Showcase your winning cocktail with a special menu takeover at a prestigious bar in Berlin during BCB.
  • £3,000 Cash Prize.

Judging Criteria

Entries will be judged based on the following criteria:

  • Creativity: How innovative and original is your cocktail?
  • Presentation: How visually appealing is your drink?
  • Flavour: How well does your cocktail showcase the unique characteristics of Sipsmith London Dry Gin

If you make it through to the final, you must be available to travel to our distillery in Chiswick on Monday 12th August & available to attend BCB (Berlin) on 14-16th October.

Enter now – Entries close on 1st July 2024

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Welcome to the home of the quintessential London Dry Gin

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